We talkin' bout TESTING?


This is a talk I gave at work about software testing. Heavily inspired by multiple Justin Searls talks, POODR, previous work experience with DHS, and hoops.

The Legend of Zelda: Software Testing (NEW FREE DLC)


This is a follow up talk I gave at work focusing on the actual act of testing. We had lots of fun with mob programming, stepping through a unit testing example by outputting the lyrics of 12 Days of Christmas.

Ruby Class Definitions


This is a talk I gave at work exploring how classes are implemented in Ruby. Sauce is from a great book called Metaprogramming Ruby. I tried a Ruby Koans-esque approach to teaching it.

Simple Vue JS Workshop: Building Tic-Tac-Toe


This is a small workshop I held at work to demo Vue by writing Tic-Tac-Toe.

Intro to Elixir: Fun |> ctional |> Programming


This is a talk I gave at work introducing Elixir with the goal of also exploring functional programming concepts.