In preparation for my n00bie talk on Elixir, I looked a bit into the history of programming languages and was surprised. It was interesting how the use cases of programming evolved over time, from primarily solving math/science/engineering problems to business/economics/finance to web/media/communication/shopping/everything haha.

I figured I’d look into some of Ruby’s language inspirations and set out on naively checking out Lisp, specifically Scheme. My resource of choice was the famous “Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs”. I forgot how much I loathed college engineering text books, so verbose and always exuding weird pompous overtones. I did check out some of the video lectures recorded back sometime in the 1970s/80s and maaaaaannn did I get a good chuckle. Straight up, the intro frames featured a wizard with some gnarly mystical background music.

I decided to go back to “Little Schemer” and do the exercises in a Racket console instead of pen + paper. The format for “Little Schemer” is just so more easily digested IMO, because everything is practical. The concepts and theory are demonstrated through working the exercises and reinforced by the commandments. Hopefully I can finish the book this time around.

I followed this article for setting up vim + Racket. The auto parenthesis setup is pretty nice, but it’s still a pain once you start using cond and have super nested parens. Using the Racket REPL alone would be hell.

I think if I had to teach someone recursion from scratch, this is the example I’d use to explain it:

  1. What is 293993189 + 1239190499?
  2. Not sure that’s a pretty larget number…
  3. No sweat, how about 5 + 5?
  4. EZ dawg, 10.
  5. Nice, what about 6 + 4? 7 + 3? 8 + 2? 9 + 1?
  6. 10, what you gettin at?
  7. Wait, how about 10 + 0?
  8. 10, but what’s the point?
  9. What is 293993189 + 1239190499?

And this is how I’d explain why the example is relevant:

What is recursion?

Recursion aims to: Take a problem that we might not really know how to solve off the bat, and slowly break it down into smaller problems that we can more easily solve. It involves calling the same function with slightly different arguments that get us closer to solving the problem.

What is the easiest problem to solve?

The easiest problem to solve is one that doesn’t need any solving, (Caveat: depends on if one is using tail or non-tail recursion, ignore for now)

If recursion revolves around breaking problems down into easier problems, how do we know when to stop recursing?

People often use the term base case to serve as a stop condition for recursion. In concrete terms, inputs like 0, “”, and [] are what I like to call empty values. Empty values are awesome, because they can often signify that our work is done. Let’s walk through an example:

a = 5
b = 5
a + b = ?

5 + 5 = 6 + 4 = 7 + 3 = 8 + 2 = 9 + 1 = 10 + 0

What we did was break 5 + 5 into successively easier problems to solve. Once we got to 10 + 0, notice that we didn’t continue breaking the problem down. We stopped because we hit the base case.

Let’s try formalizing this discovery by defining a recursive function to calculate the sum of two integers. Given two positive integers a and b, return the sum.

function plus(a, b)
  if b is equal to zero
    then we done! let's return a
    continue breaking problem down by recursing

The conditional could just as well be checking if a is zero, and returning b instead, either way will work. So backtracking to solving easy problems, what if we simplified integer problems into a single conditional: Is the input empty? That’s what it all really boils down to.

If this conditional is true, then we are done. When the conditional evaluates to false, we need to continue recursing by calling the same function with arguments that get us closer to solving the problem. How do we make integers become 0? Let’s subtract 1 from it, if we do this operation enough, eventually we can hit 0. With this approach, we can churn out a more detailed function:

function plus(a, b)
  if b is equal to zero
    then we done! let's return a
    plus(a, b - 1)

Hmm, but our function is still missing something. We no doubt are breaking the problem into smaller ones by changing b. However, we are not keeping track of a. Let’s fix that by passing an updated a as an argument.

function plus(a, b)
  if b is equal to zero
    then we done! let's return a
    plus(a + 1, b - 1)

Cool, let’s see our function in action:

plus(5, 5)
  5 == 0
    plus(6, 4)
      4 == 0
        plus(7, 3)
          3 == 0
            plus(8, 2)
              2 == 0
                plus(9, 1)
                  1 == 0
                    plus(10, 0)
                      0 == 0

What we just did was tail recursion. Tail recursion happens when the last thing a function does is call itself. For more information check out this example.

To sum things up, learning recursion can become a lot easier by focusing on two things: identifying an empty value to use as a base case, and figuring out what arguments to call on successive calls.