On computer processes vs threads

A process consists of serveral components:

  • Program to be executed
  • Register - data storage internal to CPU
  • Counter/Pointer - a register (lol terminology) that tracks where a computer is in its program sequence
  • Stack - stores info of function calls (remember all those pretty error stack dumps?)
  • Heap - dynamically allocated memory (not CPU register) for the program (all the variables, objects, etc… go here)

There can be multiple instances of a program, e.g., a rails server, tmux, or an internet browser. Each instance is an process running independently of other processes. This means the above components are isolated to their respective process, so no inter-process sharing! It would be heinous for one program to crash another one.

A thread is an execution unit. A process can have one or more threads. When a process has a single thread, they are in effect one and the same. Processes with multiple threads are more nuanced: they can execute tasks concurrently by splitting up work and assigning it to multiple threads.

In contrast to processes, threads share data (heap only, each thread still has its own stack). Shared data has a significant benefit: it is economical to create threads and communicate between them than it is to create a whole new process (depends on use case). However, thread safety can be a pain in the ass with all the mutating of shared state. There are mechanisms like mutexes to synchronize concurrent mutation and facilitate concurrent execution of code, but this path opens a whole different Pandora’s box so I digress.


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Process_(computing)
  2. https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-register-and-memory
  3. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3518445/why-are-cpu-registers-fast-to-access
  4. https://www.backblaze.com/blog/whats-the-diff-programs-processes-and-threads/
  5. https://www.toptal.com/ruby/ruby-concurrency-and-parallelism-a-practical-primer
  6. https://dev.to/enether/working-with-multithreaded-ruby-part-i-cj3


  • HTTP uses TCP standard to faciliate communication
  • TPC is a network protocol that allows two hosts to connect and exchange data streams. TCP guarantees order of data delivery.
  • Request format - HTTP verb, resource path, protocol, headers, body
  • Response format - protocol, status code, status message, headers, body
  • HTTP messages will not be human readable anymore with HTTP/2 - messages are put into a binary structure called frame.


Caching is a vicious technique in which a copy of a resource is served instead of the latest and greatest resource. For general stuff that doesn’t change much, this can be a great boon for servers, since clients that request the cached resources won’t need to make the full request trip. The cached resource can be served directly from the client’s cache or by some intermediate proxy, speeding up response times and minimizing network bandwidth.

The Cache-Control header has several directives that can be set by the server to instruct clients/caches what requests may be cached.

  • no-store - disallows caching
  • no-cache - cache checks with server to see if it can respond with a cached copy
  • public - response may be cached by any cache
  • private - response may only be cached by a private cache
  • max-age=<seconds> - the maximum time relative to the time of request that a resource can be considered fresh
  • must-revalidate - cache must check on freshness of resource so that expired copies are not used

When a cached resource expires (note this does not imply that it is stale), the resource must be fetched again or validated on subsequent requests for it. The server may provide either a strong or weak validator to facilitate cache validation.

The server response may contain the ETag header to represent a specific version of the requested resource. On subsequent client requests for the same resource, the If-Match or If-None-Match headers containing the ETag value can be sent to check if the resource is still fresh.

Alternatively the server response may utilize the Last-Modified header as a weak validator, it is less accurate than the ETag header. Clients may use the If-Modified-Since or If-Unmodified-Since headers along with the Last-Modified value to check for freshness.

When a requested resource is still fresh the server responds with 304. If the resource has been updated, it responds normally with the updated resource/200.


  1. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Overview
  2. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Caching