Noting highlights from the book Metaprogramming Ruby (2nd Edition).

Chapter 3. Tuesday: Methods

  • Languages like Java and C use a compiler to check if the receiving object for a method call has a matching method (static typing/static language)

Dynamic Dispatch

  • Using obj.send(method, args) to call a method on an object instead of using the usual dot notation
  • The method simply becomes an argument, and is either a string or symbol. Which method to pass in to obj#send can be sent while the code is running.

Dynamic Method

  • Can define methods at runtime
  • Module#define_method can be used to define methods at runtime instead of the usual def keyword


  • Private instance method defined in BasicObject and inherited by all classes
  • Overriding method_missing: takes method, arguments, and block

Ghost Methods

  • Instead of defining similar methods repeatedly, can respond to these method calls through method_missing
  • When calling respond_to?, respond_to_missing? is called to check if the method is truly a ghost method.
  • When overriding method_missing, should also override respond_to_missing?
  • When the name of a ghost method conflicts with name of a real method, latter always wins
  • Blank Slate: Can directly inherit from BasicObject to minimize chance of method name conflicts