Mannnnnnnnnn, I just gotta run into some problems first thing in the morning. I’m deploying the next version of a React app on the client’s server. Then I see this T H I C C stack trace:

csc_web        | TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON
csc_web        |     at JSON.stringify (<anonymous>)
csc_web        |     at module.exports
csc_web        |     at NextScript.render
csc_web        |     at xa
csc_web        |     at a.render
csc_web        |     at
csc_web        |     at renderToStaticMarkup
csc_web        |     at _callee3$
csc_web        |     at tryCatch
csc_web        |     at Generator.invoke [as _invoke]

Was planning on using git bisect but I had a gut feeling which commit was going to be the culprit. I got lucky checking out the correct commit and read through the build logs. Realizing that the build is now exporting static HTML, I see a bunch of API responses getting logged in the working commit. There are no API responses getting logged in the bad commit.

Huh? I’m sure the API server is up, I can connect to it from my own computer outside of the client’s network. Could it possibly be that the client’s own server CAN’T CONNECT TO ITS OWN API SERVER IT IS HOSTING?

Du-du-du-du-du its the audio daily double. I ping the API URL on the client’s teamviewer connection and of course, something is wrong with their network setup. Good gravy, can I catch a break?