Checked out the latest and greatest developer roadmap and noticed being recommended to learn a functional language. Read through a lot of opinions on which language to choose and I’m considering both Elixir and Clojure. Let’s take some notes and see how this goes. I hope these resources are good.


  • joyofelixir
  • Elixir School
  • braveclojure


  • iex is the REPL for Elixir
  • Symbols are called Atoms
  • String interpolation is also done via #{}
  • Arrays are called lists, hashes are called maps
  • Ugh why do maps need to start with %
  • Functions care about argument arity
  • Elixir file extension is .exs

OK, let’s try and break shit

iex(1)> "lol".length
** (CompileError) iex:1: invalid call "lol".length()

iex(1)> String.length("lol")

iex(2)> .14
** (SyntaxError) iex:5: syntax error before: '.'

iex(2)> String.length('lol')
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in

The following arguments were given to String.Unicode.length/1:

# 1

Attempted function clauses (showing 1 out of 1):

def length(string) when is_binary(string)

(elixir) lib/elixir/unicode/unicode.ex:270: String.Unicode.length/1

iex(2)> 5 % 2
** (SyntaxError) iex:7: syntax error before: '%'

iex(2)> rem(5,2)

iex(3)> yo = %{a: 1, b: 2}
%{a: 1, b: 2}
iex(4)> yo[:a]
iex(4)> yo["a"]

iex(4)> yell = fn (phrase) -> String.upcase(phrase) end
#Function<6.99386804/1 in :erl_eval.expr/5>
iex(5)> yell.("who daT?")